Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Camino, an adventure, a journey, an impression

I can think of a few impressions that have inspired my interest in sustainable living. Swiss Family Robinson was one of my favorite movies of all time.  Pippy Longstocking in her flying balloon and her gypsy ways, left me wanting more story at the end, every time.  We camped, growing up in the Northwest, the woods were my playground.  Tom Sawyer was a kid from my neighborhood, we were always building forts and that seven story tree house, was a mind blower.  I was a Chef on yacht charters through the San Juan and Canadian Islands where sustainable living was a luxury.  We had a water maker converting Pacific sea water to drinkable water, a propane on-demand water heater and all the fresh seafood we could catch.  I scouted farmers markets, local farms and road side produce stands all along our itinerary and we ate fresh garden produce every day. A Swirl of impressions of independents and adventure that keep you moving and Growing in new directions.  The best part of stepping out on faith are the people you meet and their story telling, the dreaming and the hopefulness.  We feel empowered when we can provide for our own needs and we feel purpose when we can contribute to community.  This will be fun, just finding the links on line has been an inspiration.  I can't wait to take this blog on the road.  The plan was to visit intentional communities all over the US and video journal the entire work trade trip.  I thought it would be helpful to showcase simple techniques that everyone can use in case of an emergency like an earthquake or power outage.  Rocket Stoves & home heating, compost water heaters, cob construction, water distillation and bio fuels are my passion, I can't watch enough YouTube videos on these sustainable favorites.

I have a collection of sketch books and journals full of sustainable educational community plans where locals teach sustainable building, gardening and life skills for survival and living off the land.  Art & food are always involved in events and retreats of every kind.  Small businesses support the flow of supplies and create a cash flow for the community.  I always picture myself as the organizer, networking everyone's gifts & passions, setting plans in motion, launching the balloon on an Impression and the whim of my gypsy ways.    Here I go! 

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